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Which is Worse?
C and I are actively looking for a new place to live. Not just to live, but to buy. Last week we found a place we both like. The neighborhood was great, the price was great (as great as housing prices can be, I guess), the proximity to trains was great, and the inside of the house was great too. We placed an offer and waited...and waited...and then yesterday were told the offer was accepted...and then a couple of hours later, were told the offer was not accepted as the house had gone into foreclosure that day.
Bummed as we were, we had no choice but to continue on with our lives. One thing that we have promised to each other and to Bruno, is that Bruno will get his daily walks, regardless of how we feel that day (unless Mother Nature has other today). Upon conclusion of yesterday's walk with Bruno, I expressed interest in going to McDonald's for an ice cream cone. Because C had already had a "good food day" (pizza and ice cream at a work-sponsored duck-pin bowling party), he response to this was a face of absolute disgust, one that squelched all hope of having the yummy goodness that is a McDonald's ice cream cone.
Of these two events (losing the house and no ice cream), guess which one brought me closer to tears?
I'll give you a (big fat) hint...
In C's defense, his face was not of the "unsupportive" variety nor of the "you're ridiculous" variety. (Believe me, I know both faces.) I later learned that it was more of a, "That just does not sound good to me at all." But being the good husband he is, he was more than willing to take me to get the ice cream. And it was good.
oh i totally, totally know how you feel! we don't get cones often and if i ever mention it and ben isn't really all for it (though he'd always go and at least get me one - but that's not as fun), i am always totally BUMMED. if this happens during pregnancy, i'm sure i'm brought to tears, too. :)
Food, especially when you are talking about soft serve, can so easily bring me to tears too!!! I'm with you on that!!!Preston CANNOT and probably will not ever understand why soft serve is good any time, even if it's only 12 degrees!!! :) HANG IN THERE
Oh I'm sorry about the house! That's totally lame.
I don't see anything abnormal about not getting McDonalds ice cream. Isn't that the expected response?? ;-)
I sooo would have cried over the ice cream too. Then I would have cried later about the house...
Yeah, pregnancy+food problems can = crying. This pregnancy I really wanted a Taco Bell burrito. I went after work and they closed 5 minutes before I got there. Tears. I was laughing at myself while crying. Crazy hormones.
ha ha, Ruth. Your story reminded me our our dear departed neighbor (moved, not dead). When she was pregnant, she craved chalupas. One morning she called the Taco Bell to see what time they opened, got there five minutes early but waited in the drive-thru lane until the restaurant opened, then had to wait until they could get together a chalupa for her.
oh, we almost didn't get this house because it was also going into foreclosure, I think it was a day before or after they accepted our offer, but we were still able to get it. If it's not too late, double check with the lender because there might be an extra 30 day time period or some sort of clause like that. it is seriously worth looking into (if you haven't already, but you probably have.) A lender doesn't want a foreclosed house on their hands if there is someone willing to take it from them, so just make sure you've talked to all the right people!
I'm glad you got your cone in the end. :)
ha ha ha! luckily, justin is totally a fan of ice cream just as much as i am. The only downer is that he always has to go to cold stone...hello, mccy d's has good ones too!!
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