29 October 2007

This is Not Pornography, I Promise

There was a recent article about this in the Washington Post. What do you think ladies? Will you be adding this calendar to your Christmas wish list?

P.S. Now, now, before you go and start your own, a fan club already exists for these beauties.


Amber said...


emily said...

yes, i agree with amber - i'm still laughing about it.

maybe if i weren't already married to a hot RM mormon babe i'd get the calendar. :) haha.

Anonymous said...

It took me a second to realize what I was looking at. I started laughing out loud when I realized.

Suzie Petunia said...

I feel so ashamed for thinking a missionary is hot! But, I guess the man I sleep with was once a missionary, too. ;)

i {heart} hawkes said...

oh my! i showed this to my mom and she said she had heard of this before. crazy...

Niederfam said...

Too funny!!!!