I was called in June. Luckily, the August activity and October's activity are yearly events. No extreme creativity is involved with recycled events, although they still require planning and work. Since we all know by now that I am re-creative rather than creative, I need help. While I believe in traditions, I also would like to try new things for 2009. So, anyone been to any ward activities that they enjoyed? Please share!
And to show you that I've been working on it, I've come up with a couple of my own ideas (read: I've searched the internet to find these ideas). Tell me which would be cool, just eh, or lame. Ward Olympics (maybe better in Winter 2010?), Book of Mormon night (I know, I know, probably not something I'd go to, but not everyone's like me...thank goodness), Yak and Snack, Game show night (Family Feud, Name that Tune, Survivor, Price is Right...), No Talent Show, Luau, Ward 5K. Okay, your turn.
And since I couldn't think of a picture relating to the ward activities calling, you get this. What is this, you ask? It's a hat I found online that is supposed to help babies sleep. And boy does it work! The past two Sundays we've been able to get Rhett to nap during Sacrament meeting, something that hasn't happened since he was really wee. And if we could have stopped laughing (and if the family in front of us could have stopped laughing) maybe he would have even slept though Sunday School!
I don't have any activity ideas at the moment, but i have to comment on Rhett's hat. It's so funny! He looks like a character out of Dr. Seuess!
I'm just glad you gave me something to laugh at this morning! Thanks--it really helped.
oh, no ideas on the ward activity thing...whatever you do will be great though, impossible not to be.
your ideas sound fun. i like the ward 5k - you could do little "races" for younger kids. 1-mile, 100 feet, etc. :)
also, i think i told you once about this (i would love to have this at my ward!). it's a fund-raiser, though, but maybe you could figure out how to make it not a fund-raiser? anyways. . .
karaoke-nite - you have a karaoke machine and people then bid on OTHER people to sing a certain song ("I bid $10 for DAD to sing 'Raindrops are falling on my head'.") then if DAD does it i pay the 10 dollars. if DAD does not want to sing, he has to bid higher. then i could bid higher, then him higher, etc. until the bidding stops and he either sings or pays a lot of money. make sense?
I don't think I could stop laughing, but hey, if it works, GO FOR IT!!!!
I'm liking the ward 5K and kid races, or the karaoke, you could make BIG $$$$ bidding on a bishop to sing Britney Spears, don't you think???? ;)
I LOVE the hat! Where did you get it?
Ok did you get this on the babysteals website? I think they sold them there. I had no idea they could work! ha. And love the taggie blanket.
found you at Nat's blog wow this is so cute!! Love it!!
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