21 October 2008

I Can't Not Post this Picture

This little boy turns seven months old today. The time is finally starting to go by quickly, as compared the sloooooooooow days of the newly-born. He's getting better at crawling, although he still uses the skill only sparingly. He loves all of his vegetables, but hates apple juice. He's still sleeping like a champ. And he can go from being prone to sitting up on his own. It's all very exciting.
(And yes, I look forward to the time when I can just count his age in years. Not a fan of this "six-and-three-fourths-month" thing.)


Galby said...

Such a cute pic!

i {heart} hawkes said...

adorable pic!

Natalie said...

Rhett is so adorable! I love his smile.
P.S. did you have a pattern for the bag that you made? It turned out so cute! I might give it a try.

emily said...

love that kid!

Nicole said...

So dang cute!

Sandra said...
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Sandra said...

Rhett is getting so big. Good for him that he likes his vegetables. David also loves his veggies and hates apple juice; weird don't you think?