05 June 2007

More on Moving

As we are going to have to make this decision around the end of this year, we're starting to do our homework. After learning about how high health insurance costs can be, that has now become the second factor in picking possible places to which we might relocate. Housing, of course, being the number one factor. So take a look at the map and let us know if we're missing anything. And yes, that does include the Midwest. We're looking for places that have good pay for teachers (but if you don't know, don't worry--I'll research it), better traffic than D.C. (that only rules out L.A.), and low amounts of humidity. And of course, affordable housing.

emily, don't you dare suggest Montrose. You know I could never live in a town too small to support a Target.


Gretchen said...

I wish you'd labeled each of these dots. I advise strongly against what appears to be Laramie WY. And I'm not sure if I can support the Idaho options - that could be a bit dicey. I'm all for the PA/MD choices (of course). And middling over the OH and NC options - mostly because I never go there. But if you're there I'll have a reason to visit.

erinmalia said...

i guess i expected you to have a general knowledge of US geography. :) won't make such crazy assumptions next time. the wyoming dot is cheyenne. we'd commute to a job in fort collins. idaho has been eliminated. and now, indianapolis has been added. and don't worry, the cities are mostly large, so you'd know them (pittsburgh, harrisburg, columbus, raleigh/durham).

emily said...

HA! since target IS coming to montrose THIS october, i AM going to suggest it! really, just humor me and research the pay and health insurance. we are super close to some awesome mountains and you could make a good living with all your great creations at the local farmers' market. there, i did dare do it.

Gretchen said...

I was mostly hoping for city names ... I think I can still name all 50 states. (although it gets a little dicey up there by the great lakes).

Oh and ix-nay on the heyenne-chay - talk about a one-cow town. It may be but a stone's throw from Ft. Collins, but it'll feel like a world away.

Meg said...

So I have heard that Charleston, SC is a really neat place to live, but the humidity may be a bit high. Indianapolis is VERY affordable and a neat place. Two of my friends from Michigan live there now. I have to suggest that you look into Michigan. I truly feel it is the best kept secret in the US. We loved living in East Lansing since it had everything we needed, but not all the people. You can be in town and then get to the country in about 5 minutes. Up north in Traverse City and other cities it is beautiful!!! Truly one of my favorite places I've ever been. You have all the Great Lakes to go to, Ann Arbor for an even bigger area that is only 1 1/2 hours away and they have an IKEA - need I say more!
The winters are long and gray and COLD, but if it snows it usually stays awhile. Since we didn't own a home, I don't know for sure about housing prices, but I think they are pretty good and if you are willing to drive (which it sounds like you are if you are going to go from Cheyenne to Ft. Collins) you could find some really affordable places to live. That's where I'd look and if you move there I'd definitely come visit.

Camie said...

Ruth and Ryan went through this same process a few years back. They decided on PA...you should talk to her...Ryan teaches in Harrisburg and they live just outside of Hersey. It's a small town, but they have an adorable brand new house and they are loving it.

lys said...

If I had the chance to move to NC, I'd move there in a heartbeat!!!

Ruth said...

Having just moved to the Harrisburg area for the exact same reasons as you I totally vouch for it. The housing market is amazing. We were able to buy a brand new house for less than half of what it would cost in MD. We are both teachers and they pay teachers well here, not the highest but about the same as MD. When you factor in the low cost of living it makes a big difference. It is still humid here, bummer, but it is also very humid in the midwest. We live in a very small town but can get to everything, including Target, within 15-20 minutes. No traffic included. I find I drive the same time but just get farther than I ever did in MD. Feel free to call me email me or whatever so we can discuss. Plus, I would love to have another friend around here!

Daniel said...

I love michigan and have to agree that it is a well kept secret, but having lived there most of my life I have to warn you that it is not an easy place to buy a home. The housing costs are probably pretty average, but the property taxes will kill you. Depending on the school district in Michigan (stay out of detroit schools) teachers do get paid pretty well though. Also, when gas prices go up...they really go up in michigan. There is an additional gas tax in the state added on to the already insane gas prices.
Move to NC!