09 April 2007

Results of the Experiment

As C and I were in Puerto Rico last week, I was unable to report the results of the experiment. Instead, I decided to continue the experiment for the entire two week span, something I knew would be very hard. The first week was the easier week: we were at home and had nothing special going on that week. We are on such a schedule that it's pretty easy just to go with the flow. However, last week was much harder. Being in a brand-new place, doing brand-new things can lead to much criticism. But I am happy to report that I think I did a fair job. Certainly things still were said that would be considered "critiques" or "criticism." But for the most part, I feel like I tried to bite my tongue. A lot. When reflecting on those statements I wanted to say but didn't, I realized that they were truly unnecessary. So what if he wants to use the water bottle with the loops when saving that bottle for work would be better? I think this experiment taught me that these things that I wanted to say but didn't were, for the most part, your run-of-the-mill "nagging." And because I don't want to be that type of wife, I'll continue working on this.

As far as C's part (thanks, Linda, for reminding me of this!), he did fine. We realized that he definitely does try to solve my problems, when I'd rather he just sympathize with me. However, I learned that I like his input most of the time. So it became hard for him to know when I wanted solutions and when I didn't. I'll just have to learn to tell him when I want the answers. We all know that he has more than enough of them!


Anonymous said...

so how did c do?

Amber said...

Very impressive Erin! I should try that one day...

Niederfam said...

GOOD WORK!!! I't glad you stuck it out the whole two weeks, I nag too, it happens to the best of wives, and I agree, Perston is a BIG problem solver, even when all I want is a tissue!!! :)

Niederfam said...

So I can't type either, forgive my typos....REALLY!!!

Ruth said...

Erin, I just have to say this is the dilemma for all of us. I still wish Ryan would just sympathize and I'm sure he wishes I would stop nagging. I try, he tries, we let it go and we get along....most of the time. More power to you for trying to break the cycle.