24 October 2008

Well That's One Way to Handle It

So remember when we were having that problem with the dog doing his bid-ness in our yard? Yeah, so apparently one way to handle that is for the dog to get heartworm disease, the owners do nothing, and then the dog dies. Huh. Who knew?

But we did find another option, you know, in case the whole heartworm thing doesn't pan out next time. On a walk one day, someone had written in chalk on their sidewalk these words: "Please keep your dogs off of our yard or pick up after them. Thanks!" I love it. If we ever have this problem again, that will be my chosen solution. And if we ever have this problem again AND we live in Utah, well, we'll use Linda's solution.


emily said...

the chalk thing was a great idea! and how did you find out about the dog?? crazy stuff.

Nicole said...

ha ha ha.

Taste of Champaign said...

I still like my idea, and I don't think you have to live in UT. Hey, put a pass-along card in the basket. TOTALLY JK!

Nicole said...

I saw a sign just yesterday on a walk. It said Private Property, then had a pic of a dog, then underneath is said If the dog poops, you scoop. Just like that! i thought it was pretty funny.